Bless me Father, for I have's been 1,180 days since my last blog post on December 9, 2020.
I could make a lot of excuses about why I've let this blog languish for 3 years but honestly, who gives a wet shit? Few things annoy me more than people who blog about their blogging. Suffice to say I'm back at it now. Because today, I turn 49!!
Honestly, I'm thrilled to be 49. A lot of people don't make it this far. But I confess that 50 feels a little...daunting.
I thought that coming up with fun, slightly-self-improving things I could accomplish before I turned 50 would make it feel like even more of an achievement. A levelling up. A sort of "gamifying ageing", if you will.
My initial plan was to make a list of 50 things that I would do 50 times this year but you know what's a lot of things?
This 50x50 idea is supposed to be aspirational but also realistic and also fun.
As of now, I only have 18 things and one of those things is "touch 50 pillows". But another one of those things is "write 50 blog posts", so here we are. I STILL PAY MONEY FOR THIS BLOG. It's not like it's some free thing that I stopped doing. It's like a gym membership that I never use.
So get ready for a year's worth of posts on such scintillating topics such as:
- We moved to Vancouver Island in 2021!
- Our dog Pumbaa!
- Trying to re-learn French!
- Being afraid of my air fryer!
- We put in a pool!
- Cults!
- How many pillows I've touched so far (6)!
Looking forward to this year of stepping into my wisdom (and not into piles of horse shit, we moved to a rural area).