As I mentioned in my Sunday post, my cousin Caro has finished scanning almost all of my grandfather's huge collection of slides and, along with those stunning princess shots, little Roro makes a few more appearances.
In the spirit of #TBT, here are a few of my favourites:
This is me and my little brother Jaro.
Between the long skirt and the little knit cap, I feel like we look like kids in a polygamous cult. Jaro is saying "I don't think that guy is really The Prophet." and I'm saying "Shhh, Jaro. That's Satan talking."
I call this one "Rosemary's Baby".
What kind of creepy face am I making? I get a real "I done killt ma sister"/We Need to Talk about Kevin vibe from this photo. Rest assured that is a DOLL, not an actual baby. I ASSUME.
Here is me letting my dad know that NATURE. IS. THE. WORST.
And here is me ready to do some serious yardwork, with my sweet grandma hovering behind me to make sure I don't fall into the pond to the left.
I love the look on my face here, like "Listen. I know I'm a main event in your life. But I'm just an ordinary kid, just here to garden like everyone else. Although I am aware that I am ROCKING THIS SNOWSUIT"