Like some of you, me and my current 2/3 American-born household were fervently and optimistically hoping for a different outcome in yesterday's election.
As shit started to get super real last night, we all decided to go to bed before the final tallying was done, in the hopes that somehow there would be a miracle in the night.
Woke up to the official news about President Elect Trump on the radio this morning and I thought "I'm pretty sure this is how The Handmaid's Tale starts."
Fortunately, we had our emotional support shar pei nearby through the night. She was pretty jazzed to get up on the big bed.
And while we will probably spend today crying over Hillary's concession speech and eating our feelings, one must remember that life goes on and people are good and there are adorable babies. Why, here's one now! He's sleeping off the election.
I knitted this hat for the sweet bebe of some lovely nearby friends who have TOTALLY BETRAYED US by announcing recently that they are moving back to New York in January. WHAT?? COME ON!! This note from tiny Hath Chevan's mom did, however, soften the blow:
Roro! Thank you for your knitted hat! It looks really good on Hath, I love it. He must like it too because he cries when we try to put other hats on him but he doesn't with yours :)
Hahahahahahahaha, well played, Cach. WELL PLAYED. If you decide to stay put in Vancouver, that'd be cool too, just sayin'.
My lovely friend Wenders and her wife welcomed a tiny bebe last winter, for whom I also knit a tiny hat and I'm JUST NOW getting around to posting a picture. This kid starts college in the fall.
I've never met Wenders in person but she's a long time internet friend and she lives in America. She was out canvassing yesterday, trying to get out the vote for Hillary - but she also posted this on her FB page, which I loved:
Because she is delightful, Wenders is working on a project to collect 1 million stories about small acts of kindness. You can share your own stories on Twitter or Instagram by using the tag #microkindness and definitely follow the MicroKindness project on Instagram and Twitter Because couldn't we all use a little more booze kindness today and going forward? INDEED.