As all 2 of my devoted NaBloPoMo readers may recall, about 10 days ago, I was feeling under the weather. I had had a really bad sore throat for a few days and lots of aches and pains. I put the cat ears on. I neti-potted and gargled and Emergen-C'd and Cold FX'd and I somehow managed to not get FULLY sick!
Until yesterday.
I woke up allll set to have dim sum with an old friend and then set up my village and instead, I had to cancel all my plans and sit on the couch feeling SUPER sorry for myself instead.
But I did still get my annual village expansion permit!! And here is the new building that's going in! Isn't it handsome? It's about time we got some coach builders in town, everyone was just walking around like idiots!
And that's not the only addition to Rosewood Cross this year. For my birthday back in March, my friend Chezza sent me this gem:
I love a touch of the occult. The simple country folks of Wintersea won't know what to do with themselves.