Day Two of NaBloPoMo and I'm already posting pictures of the dog.
Katr signed Effie up for her own Instagram account when she first arrived in October of last year. A year later, using only the power of her cuteness, Effie has 1,054 followers.
To put that in perspective, I've been on Twitter since 2009 and am JUST NOW nearing 1,000 followers, despite, like, actively tweeting. Fat lesbian playwrights are no match for wrinkly dogs.
Effie's Instagram posts are all written from her perspective and at first, it was challenging to find her voice. For example, Emmy Lou had a very foul mouth and would frequently say things like "Would you queers shut the fuck up?" but Effie has a more innocent spirit. She never curses but she can be quite the bossy boots.
She also fancies herself quite the leader among dogs.
She may not always be the most photogenic shar pei in the Insta-verse.
But she can snuggle like a hot damn.
Anyway, the point is that the dog is a fucking rockstar and you should follow me on Twitter.