HAHAHA just kidding, I have no defence, I'm just a lazy sow. Last year, I wrote 8 blog posts. EIGHT, YOU GUYS. I know no one reads blogs anymore, but it's still embarrassing.
In my slight defence, though - the last gap of the year, between Oct 15 and now, contained the following developments:
- I went to see my show, The Good Bride, at Northern Light Theatre, directed by Trevor Schmidt, starring Arielle Rombough. I'm not going to lie, it was AWESOME. I was so happy with how it turned out and kind of astonished at how smart NLT's production made me look. It also received some really amazing reviews, like this one. And this one. And also this one.
- The day we returned home from Edmonton, we welcomed a new fuzzy family member to our home! Her name is Effie Trinket, because she's fancy. She has her own Instagram account.
- Literally all of October and November are a complete blur because puppy. PUPPY PUPPY PUPPY PUPPY. All singing, all dancing, all whizzing, all cigarette-butt-eating, all staples-in-the-facing, all adorable event of the year. So cute but OMG, NEVER GET A PUPPY.
- Shoebox Project for Shelters!! Katr was the Vancouver coordinator again this year and we took in almost twice as many boxes as last year. Huzzah!! No used thongs this year but there was a WHEEL OF BRIE in one of the boxes. Score!!
- The Holidays. Which are now, sadly, complete. But Katr's brother Drtr arrived for an indefinite stay, we went to the island and Effie got to meet my family, Rosewood Cross added a few new buildings, I have a huge new pile of books to read and juuuuust as we were getting into a really sweet groove, we had to go back to work, like everyone else with a job. But today, I am basically wearing pyjamas and eating M&Ms for lunch, as a form of "easing back into things".
As per usual, as I reviewed my pitiful 8 posts of 2015, I looked back and evaluated last year's resolutions:
- Try a new recipe once a week. This actually went very well for about two months, with Katr generally at the helm, and we did add a few new favourites to our repertoire! Cook books were opened! New ingredients were investigated! Chicken breasts were pounded super hard! But as the year wore on and things got busy, we fell back into our usual cooking routine.
- Weekly reading night. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NEXT.
- Turn 40. Yes, I did this LIKE A BOSS.
- Finish a draft of my play that doesn't suck. This is probably the most resounding success of the year. See above re: good reviews.
- Blog more. Big fat fail, hello.
This year's resolutions:
- Write a new play. "Resolving" to do this worked so well the last time (I wrote one! Then I bragged about it on my blog! Then Northern Light Theatre produced it!) that I thought I'd try it again. I've signed up for the winter session of Wet Ink's Playwriting Intensive and I have NO IDEA what I'm going to work on but I've decided that it must be something super gay because my last two plays were all about the straights. No offense, straights.
- Be more organized in the office. As I emptied out the Crate and Barrel bag that housed all of our business tax receipts last weekend, I thought "Jesus Christ. Who am I...Uncle Jesse (obscure Full House reference)?" We finally bought a new filing cabinet late last year and I am determined to get some shit FILED CORRECTLY and get rid of shit we don't need any more. There will be shredding, motherfuckers.
- Read more. It's become clear that after two years, trying to institute a "weekly reading night" is an unrealistic goal. But I do read a little every night and for two weeks straight on our annual Mexican vacation, so I was alarmed that I failed to complete my "40 books in 2015" Goodreads challenge (I only read 37). So I've challenged myself to 40 books again this year and I will READ 40 BOOKS, even if I have to do most of my reading in the ladies' shitter.
- Buy some more shoes. I know this sounds ridiculous - aren't most resolutions about buying FEWER shoes? - but I somehow lost my only non-sneaker pair of non-summer shoes and now I only have one pair of sneakers and no other winter shoes. Worse things have happened to better people, but the shoes aren't water-proof and when I walk the puppy in the rain, my shoes get soaked and then they're too cold and uncomfortable to put on again to go over to our friend Cach's house to negotiate who gets what cuts of our shared 1/8th of grass-fed beef. Plus, on the rare occasion that we go out for a meal, it would be nice to have a pair of non-sneakers.
- No new tea. Between my epic tea shelf and the beautiful set of 9 tins of TWG teas that Drtr brought me from Singapore, my tea stash is now rivalling my yarn stash. I have a RIDICULOUS amount of tea. I vow that I will buy NO MORE NEW TEA IN 2016! And no new yarn! I am going to drink tea and knit all damn year!
Oh, and blog more.
Happy New Year!