Sorry for the radio silence, gang of 3 who still read my blog. It's hard to talk about, but I've been away for awhile, dealing with some personal issues that I wasn't sure I'd survive HAHAHAHAHAHAA just kidding, we worked like dogs to take a month off work from Sep 21-Oct 21 and I avoided the computer most of the time.
Anyway, lots of blah blah to share but the following snippet of conversation I heard this afternoon made me want to get back on the blogging horse and share it with you.
Our dog, Princess Emmeline Louise, has gotten slower and slower over the last year or so and currently, our "walks" consist of me standing around, waiting for her to continue her glacial pace and eavesdropping like a creeper on anyone unlucky enough to be stationary and yapping on our street.
Today, there were two young men doing some kind of yard work behind a hedge and the following was overheard by me:
Young Man 1: Man, I am SO hungry. I missed getting my McMuffin for breakfast.
Young Man 2: How come?
Young Man 1: Well, it was getting close to the cut-off time for breakfast and I was all "Should I just go to McDonalds right now? Or should I jerk off first and THEN go to McDonalds?"
Young Man 2: And it took so long that you missed McDonalds' breakfast?
Young Man 1: I've been distant lately. I really wanted to show me a good time.
Aaaaaand scene.
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