When Katr and I watched Season 1 of Downton Abbey, we could not marathon that shit. Because it was TOO INTENSE. We cried during every fucking episode. Like babies. So, while we enjoyed it immensely and were pleased that, for the most part, the good guys didn't get kicked in the box over and over, we were hesitant to start Season 2, because having feelings is exhausting.
My friend Reol got me Season 2 for my birthday LAST YEAR. A couple of weeks ago, we finally decided to take a break from our ritual Star Trek: TNG watching and crack The Countess.
We watched it all in three days.
Then we ordered Season 3 and watched that in three days. So now we're all caught up and you'll have to listen to my thoughts on two seasons mashed together. SPOILER ALERT: THERE ARE SPOILERS.
Things I didn't like:
Scheming housemaids. Ugh. I miss that housemaid in Season 1 who was scheming...to become a SECRETARY. That was cool. But I don't like these babes who are all "I feel so drawn to you, Lord Grantham" or "Are you ashamed of where you came from, Mr. Branson" or whatever. Also, I hated Ethel (thought I'm pretty sure I was supposed to and I thought it was pretty shitty that what's-his-name knocked her up and then skipped out. She just wanted to have an adventure, not to be a prostitute! Boo.)
Lavinia dying and then Matthew being all "I broke her heart and we can NEVER be together now, Mary!!!! Or can we? Oh, is it the Christmas special now? Yeah, okay, we can." The whole angst over Lavinia's death thing was so forced. Ditto the "I can't give Lavinia's dad's money to Downton because I'm getting it under false pretenses." That's a kick to the junk right there.
I liked that Bates got out of jail but I totally did not understand what the deal was with the inmate and the prison guard who were conspiring against him. What?? Why? And how did they get to Mrs. Bartlett? I will have to find a forum or something.
What happened to Matthew. I get that the actor was leaving but I liked the character. You couldn't have sent him to America for a few months? What if the actor realizes he made a huge mistake and wants to come back, like Jorja Fox on CSI?
Edith and the married-to-Mrs. Rochester newspaper editor. I don't know about that.
Rose. NO.
The clothes after the war. GOD I hate the '20s.
Things I did like:
Unrealistic liberalism.
Mrs. Crawley firing Mrs. Byrd for being worried she'd catch prostitute herpes from Ethel.
Thomas is a douche but I didn't want to see him go to jail for being a poof. I thought it was nice that everyone was all "You disgust me, but you can't help the way you are, so we're going to try to help you out."
How O'Brien and Thomas kind of turned their evil onto each other instead of torturing everyone else.
Daisy's relationship with William's father. Cutest. Thing. Ever.
Everything about the cricket match.
The dog's bum in the opening credits and every time the dog appeared.
All the stuff around trying to modernize the estate - I thought that was really interesting.
How MOST of the time, good and reason prevail. I'm willing to overlook some convenient plot twists or "out of character" character actions if it means that shit works out. That's what makes it such a ridiculous fairytale of awesomeness.
Things I think should happen in Season 4:
Patrick Stewart should be on. Just because. I like him and he's already British.
Two of the housemaids should have a passionate affair.
One of the episodes should be entirely from the dog's point of view.
Mrs. Hughes and Carson finally declare their undying love.
Lady Mary should write a book about attachment parenting.
I would like to talk more about this, so please leave your comments in the comments.