As you may recall, last Tuesday, I nerdishly lined up to buy Clockwork Princess - THIS Tuesday, I nerdishly lined up to get my book signed by the author Cassandra Clare ZOMG SQUEE.
The book signing was at 6 p.m., and I couldn't get there until around 4 p.m.. I saw on the Twitter that the first person in line showed up at 7:30 a.m. (FOR REAL) and my heart was gripped with fear.
By the time I arrived, the line was so long and winding that I couldn't figure out where it started or ended.
A bemused elderly Chapters employee had to lead me through the History, Fiction and Travel sections before depositing me in the Young Adult section, with a table full of Twilight and lot of very young adults, one of whom had to show Old Lady Rowe how to put on her wristband.
Being at the back of the line blows, BUT *I* didn't have to stay there, because last week I made three AWESOME LINE-UP FRIENDS (Star Trek names for their protection = Fafe, Nicz and Tesc). After a flurry of texting, I discovered that Nicz and Fafe were further up in the line, in the Health and Wellness section and I got to go join them. HA ha! See you later, Young Adult suckas!
Speaking of Young Adult, I made sure to finish Clockwork Princess (So. Many. Feels.) before going to this signing, so that I wouldn't be spoiled on anything, only to discover that a lot of other people HADN'T finished the book so we were encouraged to keep our voices down when discussing what happened in the book.
I was like OMG, YOU LAZY FUCKS, YOU HAD A WHOLE WEEK! Fortunately, I only said that in my head, because the woman in line behind us explained that she let her tween daughter read the book first and that's why she was just a third of the way done and I felt bad for almost calling everyone who hadn't read the book a lazy fuck. Still, it kind of put a damper on the "What did you think about the part where ---" discussions I'd been looking forward to. Clearly, I'll have to find a good nerdly forum somewhere to air my feelings about the ending.
Speaking of books one hasn't read - Cassandra Clare was not the only author at this event. Totally hilarious and delightful YA author Sarah Rees Brennan was also there. I'd never read any of her books, but two of my lineup friends were all "Yeah yeah, Cassie Clare but OMG, SARAH REES BRENNAN, I'M GOING TO CRY!!!", so I bought The Demon's Lexicon as well, on their recommendation. And FYI, am very much enjoying it.
Tesc and Nicz dressed up for the occasion:
Some Shadowhunter runes...and a Team Nick costume I don't yet understand, but I'm assured all will be clear when I finish The Demon's Lexicon.
Fafe and I did not, because cos play is not mandatory. However, when in Nerd MUST have your picture taken with the Chapters Will and Tessa costumed book characters:
The guy on the right is actually the Chapters employee who sold me my copy of Clockwork Princess. I hope these two very sweet people got paid extra for being groped by crazed book nerds all ding dong night. They were lovely.
After nearly two hours in line, the seating process began and thank god for Nicz, who lined up at 3 p.m., thus ensuring that we all managed to get seats for the Q&A (we were, in fact, almost the last 4 people to get seats and felt very smug).
Katr found this photo of me on Twitter - hahahahahahahaha
There was a really good DJ. We did a lot of chair dancing.
There was a super sexy City of Bones movie poster, so we all took Tesc's photo next to it.
Then there was a lot of screaming, because the authors arrived.
Necz nearly DIED because Sarah Rees Brennan came out in the audience and STOOD. RIGHT. NEXT. TO HER.
Nerds had a lot of questions.
If you are so inclined, you can watch the whole Q&A here. Both Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan are hilarious and generous with their fans and it was really fun:
I want you to know that even though I was there for this live, I will probably watch the whole 30 minute video again.
Then, came the signing frenzy - which was actually very well organized. Which is good, because SOME people had brought a lot of books.
Hilariously, I have a whole whack of photos of me chatting to the super lovely Sarah Rees Brennan, whose books I have yet to read...
...and not a single one of the two brief seconds where Cassandra Clare signed my book (she was also super lovely - but literally, two seconds, because SO MANY PEOPLE BEHIND ME). Book signings...always leave you wanting more. Fortunately, afterward, there was bubble tea.
And now...signed books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and this one:
Nerdaciousness = COMPLETE. For now...