I am ashamed to note that I am about a week behind on my "weekly posting" plan but in my defense, Katr and I were on vacation last week! Wooo!
It's been a bizz-nizzy few months of working here and instead of going anywhere for our fabulous week off, we thought we'd just putter around the house and enjoy a keen staycation.
As always, I had a lot of plans for our staycation. I was totally going to:
- Knit a baby sweater for an upcoming baby
- Clean out the lazy susan because I keep buying pasta sauce without looking in there first and now it looks like an episode of Doomsday Preppers in there
- Clean out and reorganize my dresser in preparation for "summer" or whatever we have here in Vancouver during months traditionally associated with summer
- Go see The Avengers, because I love superhero movies and love Joss Whedon even more
- Buy a file cabinet and reorganize our filing system, which right now looks like monkeys are doing the filing
- Go through my desk caddy, which I'm pretty sure has cheques from two addresses ago and a lot of calcified lip gloss
- Take the dog on long, meandering walks while thinking deeply about all of the creative projects I've been meaning to work on
- Work on the all of the creative projects I've been meaning to work on
- Cook healthy gourmet meals every night, using all the new cookbooks we got for Solstice and my birthday
- Do yoga every day
- Feel really fucking smug
What I actually did:
- Knit 1/4 of a baby sweater
- Watched Katr do some gardening
- Got into a fight over three scraggly basil plants with some douchebag at Home Depot
- Played stupid Castleville
- Ordered dinner from a different place every damn night
- Did yoga four out of the eight days we were off - but mainly savasana
- Finally beat the awesome new level in Kingdom Rush
- Long weekend Criminal Minds marathon
Basically, it was the best week of my life. I hope you had had equally felicitous long weekend fun!
In related news, Katr did some gardening! Stay tuned for lots of pictures of tiny plants and angry rants about the critters who nom them.