As I've mentioned in numerous posts, I was a little obsessed with the show Hoarders when it first came out and basically watched it like it was my job.
After seeing untold numbers of cat skeletons, pieces of dog shit and fridges full of rotting food, I had finally had my fill of Hoarders and also, had learned not to eat while watching it. GAH.
My time as a Hoarders viewer, however, did outfit me with some keen skills, such as how to recognize hoarding behaviour when I see it (on television). Little did I know that I was about to stumble upon a real life hoarding situation...right on my own street! Literally, on the street.
This piece of equipment is here as part of the house next door's construction process (more on that in future posts. I can smell your excitement, like a lost cat skeleton). As I shuffled by it with the dog earlier, I noticed that the operator might have some issues. Behold!
"Oh, I'm just an innocent piece of construction equipment, disturbing your yoga with my loudocity."
"There's some stuff in here."
"You know, just the essentials...lots of newspaper from January, some spray bottles, some food wrappers, my yellow construction vest, my long lost hamster Rotunda..."
"My shopping bag, some coveralls, a know, for when you need a log..."
OMG. HOARDING. In that tiny machine! I honestly don't know how the operator even gets in there! Also, you can't see it, but there's a decal on the glass, just below the Safeway bag, which reads "Beaver Dam". I'll say.
I waited around to see if the operator would show up so that I could ask him about Beaver Dam but Emmy Lou grew weary of indulging my whim and pulled to go home. I guess I'll never be able to offer Beaver Dam my wise counsel gleaned from months of watching Hoarders. Which is basically "keep track of your pets and call a professional. Because DAMN."
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