A year ago this weekend, the fine folks at Vancouver Shar Pei Rescue told us that a wrinkly dog named Lindy Loo needed a ride from the SPCA shelter in Burnaby to Kelowna (about a 4.5 hour drive from here). So we drove her there and I took 84 photos and somehow never got around to posting them on my blog. HA ha!
What the fuck was I doing last April that I didn't get around to posting about this? It's cute pictures of dogs! Okay, here you go:
This is Lindy Loo taking a walk after being sprung from the shelter. Look at that wrankly dankly!! "Wrankly dankly" is a technical term.
"Uh...you guys aren't going to make me get into that crate without treats, are you?"
Mountains! Not seen: Lindy Loo making horrible horrible sad noises in the back of the car for the whole drive.
Freedom! This is Lindy Loo at CG's house, being vetted by alpha dog Mister. CG is an underdog railroad hub - Lindy Loo was staying with her and her pack over the weekend and was then headed to Edmonton, her final destination. She is very loved in her new home, by the way!
CG lives right on the lake! So Emmy Lou got in the lake.
Another of CG's pack. Look at the rombly pombly! "Rombly pombly" is a veterinary term.
Rombly pombly checking out wrankly dankly.
Emmy Lou gets the once over from Mister.
I remember this trip like it was yesterday - but no no! It was a YEAR AGO yesterday. And then THIS weekend, a wrinkly dog named Sadie needed a ride to Kelowna. And a boxer named Phoebe needed a ride to Vancouver. So we drove Sadie to Kelowna and picked up Phoebe to bring her to her excited new owner in Vancouver.
Still snowy in the mountains. We did not "chain up" our tires.
Sadie stretching her three legs at CG's place in Kelowna after the long car ride. She was a total sweetheart in the car - but for her warthog snufflings, we wouldn't even have know she was there.
Sadie in the sun, getting ready for her one-on-one with pack leader Mister.
Mister and Phoebe, waiting to meet the new arrival.
Phoebe!! Such a flopsy wopsy. Technical term.
Phoebe's new owner was SOOOO excited. Phoebe is her third boxer and they took to each other right away. Mere hours after we dropped her off, we got this from Phoebe's new owner:
All in all, two April Saturdays well spent. Of course, afterwards, we were all pretty exhausted from our rescue efforts:
If you are fans of wrinkly dogs, you would do well to "like" the Vancouver Shar Pei Rescue Facebook page. Because those dogs are REAL and they're SPECTACULAR.