I was walking the dog in the sunshine yesterday and a fellow stopped me on the sidewalk to let me know that I look very similar to Jean Van Vliet, the President of the Canadian Auto Workers Local 3000. "Not a bad person to look like!" he exclaimed as he walked away. End of encounter.
This was delightful for a number of reasons.
1. What?
2. "Jean Van Vliet" sounds very similar to George Costanza's fake boss/alter ego "Art Vandelay".
3. I usually get told I look like Toni Collette in Muriel's Wedding or my uncle Ian. So Jean is new. Here is a photo of Jean (she is on the right, in the plaid).
Here is a photo of me, for comparison:
Haha! Oh, a REAL photo. Okay, here's one. I am also on the right.
It's like me and Jean are the same person! In the sense that we're both fat, white and bespectacled. But sometimes, that's all it takes to create a doppelganger.
I'm not sure what to do with this information. Should I let Jean know that we look alike and that I'm available to take her place at union events?
ETA: My friend and future Minister of Information Doai has created a new campaign photo for when I next run for office (at CAW or BEYOND)! I hope this shot doesn't make it look like I'm on the take.