When I was kid, I used to drive my parents crazy around Christmas. They would ask me what I wanted from Santa and I would say "A surprise!"
Because I was a sly and devious child (no, really...I *thought* I was a real mastermind in several areas, such as "It wasn't me, my brother did it" and "I don't know why there's chocolate all over my face"), my parents naturally assumed that I was testing the veracity of Santa by making sure to only tell the "real" Santa (a.k.a. the Santa at the mall) what I wanted for Christmas. I admit, that would be a sly and devious plan - IF I'D THOUGHT OF IT. The reality is that I did not have a burning need for anything in particular and also, I just really liked to be surprised.
Fast forward to my birthday last week. When Katr asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I said "A surprise!" Fortunately, she took me at face value and didn't have to follow me up to the throne and try to listen in as I whispered my birthday wishes to Santa. So she got to work planning what turned out to be a magical birthday weekend of awesomeness.
I like surprises, but Katr has a hard time keeping secrets, which is why she gave me the iPad DODOcase (embossed with my initials!) she got me for my birthday two weeks early:
But she managed to keep my actual birthday plans a secret until a couple of days before, when she informed me that I needed to cut a cheque to our pal and all-around Gal Friday, Boka.
"Why?" sez I.
"Because she will be watching Emmy Lou this weekend," says Katr.
I instantly strain my neck by whipping my hair back and forth in the manner of Willow Smith.
Then, while I applied a cold compress to my neck, she also informed me that the weekend would include:
- Bathing suits
- One fancy outfit
- One "lounging around" outfit
I was overcome with excitement. I LOVE swimming. I LOVE fancy outfits, because usually when you're wearing a fancy outfit, it's because you're waiting for people to feed you really good food. I LOVE lounging around. Good work, Katr.
We packed up Saturday morning and once Boka and her lady friend Cawi had arrived, Katr whisked me off all the way downtown for our birthday destination - the Pan Pacific Hotel. Our room had crazy views, but most of the photos I took looked like I was getting ready to be a jumper.
And also, there were some delightful birthday treats for me:
OMG, these are like crime scene photos suddenly, as I realize I forgot about these truffles - WHERE ARE THEY?? Probably in my giant purse.
After savouring some birthday chocolate, we went swimming in the heated outdoor pool with a lot of frat boys and sorority girls who were up from Seattle to abuse BC's legal drinking age of 19 and were preparing for the evening's booze cruise with a lot of pre-booze cruise drinking and bogarting the hot tub. O, to be 19 again and have all my good stories begin with "I don't know how I got there or whose barf it was!" It made me very smug about being 37.
After a swim, sauna, grooming and general lounging about (that outfit came in handy), we got dolled up and met our friends Elai and Doai (who were equally dolled up) at the Five Sails Restaurant and experienced the best tasting menu we've had in forever. The optional foie gras course...NOT OPTIONAL. If you go there, you must get it. It is SERIOUS.
There was a brief hiccup when Elai and Doai presented me with Seasons 4 & 5 of Dexter and I thought about faking a cramp so that I could go watch it all, right now, ALL OF IT, but they gave it to me on Blu Ray and the hotel does not provide Blu Ray players. BULLET DODGED.
The company was excellent and the food was insanely good. I am shedding a tear right now, just thinking about it. I didn't take any photos, because I was too busy with the eating and also, the drinking. But photos would just make both of us weep, so it's probably best you can't see them.
Sunday morning dawned pearly gray, or so I hear, because we slept through the dawn and well into the morning, waking up only when it became necessary to order breakfast before the room service deadline. And then we lolled about until the early afternoon, when it became apparent that they expected us to leave.
So thank you to Katr for organizing such a delicious birthday surprise!! Thank you to Boka and Cawi, who stayed with our corn-chip scented dog overnight!! Thank you to Elai and Doai for the delightful and sparkling evening and also, the Dexter! Ooo, the Dexter.
I watched the first episode of Season 4 a couple of nights ago. I have seen John Lithgow's ass. I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. It's going to be a good year, gang.