So the awesome news is that my short play Anne and Diana Were TOTALLY DOING IT is being published this fall in the Loud n' Queer 20th Anniversary anthology! Wooo! I am SO honoured to be included, you have no idea.
As those of you who've been privileged to witness a live performance of this oeuvre may remember, there is a slide show! And one of the images I use in the slideshow is below.
I have two questions:
1. How sexy is this painting? Doesn't it totally make you think of Anne and Diana and how they were totally doing it?
I honestly have NO IDEA where I found this image - it was years ago - and I don't even have the original image file anymore - I got this off the PowerPoint slide. I'm FAIRLY certain I stole it off some other lesbian's blog.
It turns out that when you google "sexy lesbian painting", this is not the first thing that comes up.
The reason I ask is that Darrin, the fabulous editor of the anthology asked me if this image was public domain - if not, of course, we can't include it in the book with my piece. I LOVE it and would love to include it but my days of doing things that are illegal are...well, several weeks behind me.
So please - let me know if you know what the hell this is!! And if you don't, please pass it on to your friends and ask them! The worst thing that happens is that more people see that sexy redhead's nip. And how can that be wrong?
UPDATE: Thank you so much to everyone who's been sifting through Victorian porn to help me find out where this painting is from! As you can see from the comments, we've had several exciting leads but so far, we still don't know who the artist is (and if I can rip off their work with a clear copyright conscience). If you know who painting this - or have ideas about where to look - please leave it in the comments!