It's December 10th and I haven't bought any eggnog.
I know! What the fuck??
You might think that this speaks to some healthy restraint on my part but I assure you that I haven't abandoned my holiday diet tips - I just haven't been as relentless in my pursuit of the 'nog as I have been in recent years.
Come to think of it, I haven't bought a single box of Furtles this month either. WHO AM I?
I might be suffering from post-traumatic stress after an angry man in a grubby Santa hat threatened me with what looked like a candy cane shiv in Chinatown last week.
Whatever the cause, I seem to have a very laissez-faire attitude about the traditional holiday feasts n' trappings this year. Tree? Not up. Halls? Not decked. And the song in my head does start with a "J", but it's not Jingle Bells.
How are you guys getting in the holiday spirit? Or are you just getting into the holiday spirits? Hahaha! See what I did there? 'Cause "spirits" can also mean...okay, I can see by your face that you get it.