I don't usually come out to the person driving the cab. It's not anyone's business...there are personal safety issues...But every once in awhile, I slip up and say something about "my wife". Or, if the cab driver is hitting on me, I might take a break from pretending to have a husband and just tell the fellow I like puss. Inevitably, an admission of lesbianism in a taxi cab leads to the following exchange:
Cab driver: Have you ever been with a man?
Me: No. (this is a lie, but a word to the wise - admitting you've been with a man means that you've just never found the right man, except that you HAVE found the right man and he just happens to be driving this cab)
Cab driver: How do you know you don't want to be with a man if you never tried it?
This question has always pissed me off. How do I know? I know the same way I know that crabs are unpleasant (but carbs are delicious). I know the same way I know that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. I know the same way I know that Madonna should put on some fucking pants already. I KNOW.
It just so happens that I was being hit on in a cab by the driver recently. It was a short ride and I didn't have the energy to make up some story about my burly husband Chet, who runs a rugged logging camp by day but lets me hold him while he weeps at night because I'm the first person who ever taught him how to love.
Cab driver: You are very beautiful. Very pretty.
Me: Thanks.
Cab driver: You ... have a boyfriend?
Me: I'm a lesbian.
Cab driver: A lesbian! Ho ho! So, have you ever been with a man?
Me: No.
Cab driver: How do you know you don't want to be with a man if you never tried it?
Me, having a sudden, incredibly brilliant brainwave: Well ... how do you know YOU don't want to be with a man if YOU'VE never tried it?
Cab driver: Unnnnnnnnnnnngh!!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! That would be awful, I wouldn't like it at all!
Me: I KNOW! Me neither!
There was a stunned silence. I could tell that I had just BLOWN THIS MAN'S MIND.
A few minutes later:
Cab driver: Okay. I see what you are saying.
We continued toward my destination, having a perfectly civil conversation. I was elated. Why had I not thought of this before? I was ready to classify this incident a success in lesbian/cab driver relations until the last moments of the ride, when this happened.
Cab driver: So you are married?
Me: Yes.
Cab driver: To another lady, right?
Me: Yes.
Cab driver: So, how often do lesbians have sex?
Me: What?
Cab driver: Like, how many times per week?
Cab driver: Two times? Three times?
Me (mysteriously, while exiting the cab): As often as we want, my friend. As often as we want.
Sigh. So close!
And now over to you, my friends. What do you say?