Between Winter bemoaning the homogeneity of Lesbian Nation's Top Ten Women of Sci Fi and Dorothy Snarker's Top Ten (in tank tops, no less!) and Syd's Hot List slideshow of hotness (holy Hannah, I'm still blushing) , I thought it was high time to finally flesh out my own Top Ten list, which, as longtime readers know, is general a Top Two list, those two being Dawn French and Gina Torres.
Dawn French
I know I'm not the only one who finds Dawn French fabulous. You know how I know? Because ever since I posted the photo below in relation to a post about vicars, the phrase "dawn french naked" is the top search term on my blog EVERY WEEK. I get more "dawn french naked" visits than I get "free porn podcast" visits. I also get "dawn french is hot" and "any pictures of dawn french naked". Oh, Dawn French. You are one luscious creampuff.
Gina Torres
There are other photos of Gina Torres out there, but this is still my favourite. I can't tell if she's saying "Get over here and I'll make you a woman" or "I filed that restraining order for a reason". Or possibly "make me a sandwich." I'd make you a sandwich any day, Gina Torres. Call me.
Emma Thompson
We were watching Harry Potter V the other night and even though I've seen it a few times and the scene is only, like, 30 seconds long, the part where Professor Trelawney is getting kicked out is so totally heartbreaking that I got a little misty. Oh, Emma Thompson. Even with the Coke bottle glasses and insane hippie hair, you still move me to tears. Also, why have I NEVER SEEN THIS PICTURE??
Katee Sackoff
I just got Season 3 of BSG on DVD and my fabulous friends Dapo and Jebr sent me the first two eps of Season 4 in the mail. I am primed for some BSG gluttony, people. But when?? When will I get my Cheetos and Starbuck time?? Why do I have so much work? And why is "paying the rent" and "wearing pants" so important to Katr? Sigh.
Queen Latifah
I'm pretending right now that I don't know she's currently schilling for Jenny Craig. Shhhh. Don't disturb my fantasy.
Christina Hendricks
I haven't seen the super-talented Christina Hendricks on Mad Men, mainly because we don't get whatever channel it's on. But I remember her extremely fondly from her tremendous performances on those two episodes Firefly. Just thinking about it makes me blush just a little. Hotness.
Eva Mendes
I never thought much about Eva Mendes until I saw her in Hitch (I'm a closet Will Smith fan. I don't know what it is...I love that Will Smith. Am I straight for Will Smith? Possibly.) She's so smart n' sassy and hilarious. Also, I have a feeling she'd boss you around and not put up with your crap and tell you to get over yourself. And you WOULD.
Drew Barrymore
Why is Drew Barrymore never on these lists? Sure, she has patchy taste in men and was in rehab before she could drive. But she's ADORABLE. And she has her own production company! And is reportedly extremely flexible!
Okay, I realize that this is only eight, but I'm fucked for time. Who will be my final two?? Will history decide? Will YOU?? I'm taking suggestions, people...