I staunchly refuse to do a lot of things. Some are just common sense - I
wouldn't stick a razor inside my nose, for example. But some things I won't do
because everyone else is doing them and I like to be ornery. This
orneryness has led to some decisions I'm proud of. It has also led to me
carrying a fuzzy brown wiener dog purse named Quincy until I was in my late
Now that I've sucked the pipe and joined Facebook, I've started to give some
thought to a few other things I've been holding out on, not necessarily on
principle but just because it pleases me to resist them.
The Hair
I've been going grey since I was 17. It's been cool. The grey has arranged
itself in interesting, only slightly skunk-like streaks and has provided
delightful free highlights for several years. I've enjoyed the contrast of my
fresh young face and my hilarious grey hair and congratulated my follicles for
following in the footsteps of comedian Steve Martin, my snowy-haired childhood
idol. Oh Steve. I believe that robots are stealing MY luggage too.
Lately though, I have to say, the hair is not working for me. Now, I could
just need a good haircut. But I have also started to consider going down the
dark, glossy chestnut brown path of actually colouring it. I KNOW!! The expense!
The maintenance! The ROOTS! And yet . . . and yet, friends. If I can't rock the
grey hair as hard as Lex, should I even
bother trying? Let's go to the polls:
The L Word
I really don't know why I've been resisting this show so mightily. I'll watch
lots of other shows with impossibly pretty people in them and most of those
feature FAR less hot lesbian sex. For someone who's always complaining about how
there's not enough lesbian entertainment out there, to not at least ATTEMPT to
watch the one lesbian show just because it's a fantasy soap opera world where
there are no creampuff lesbians is a little . . . oh, also, MY MOTHER WATCHES
IT. She gets it FROM THE LIBRARY. Yeah, that's right.
Having Kids
I know I joke about having joined the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
back in college, but I have to say - all these baby hats I'm knitting have
really got my ovaries working overtime.
Every time I finish one, I imagine it crowning the soft dome of my own baby's
pointy little -Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Woooooooooooooooooo!! Just
kidding guys! Sorry Mom.
Using a Real Pattern
I love knitting, but a lot of mine - why be coy? - is shitty. This is because
a lot of the time I like to get IDEAS from patterns, but not actually USE
patterns. That's not to say I can't read or use patterns - I just don't like to.
Some of my knit-speriments
have worked out okay while others . . . well, we shall not speak of them. The
thing is, while I loathe to do things like "pay attention" or "be precise", I
have also (finally) grown tired of churning out crap. I don't want to lose my
adventurous, woolly spirit, but I have to say I'm actually following a pattern
for a project right now and it's turning out pretty nice. Well, I
changed the toe and stuff, but that doesn't really count.
Obviously, I'm still merely CONSIDERING these activities. I'm hoping the
polls will help me decide! Then again, what if I decide to do the opposite of
what you all think, just to be ornery?
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