There are times in one's life when one has to adjust to living with a certain baseline level of stomach-churning barf-xiety. When it happens to me, I try to keep things in perspective! I try not to complain or freak out, because it's just work stuff and wedding stuff and no one's going to die and I know there are people out there having REAL problems and I am not one of them. I try to switch from coffee to chamomile-lavendar tea. I try to butch up.
Taking one thing at a time and staying focused on the task at hand certainly helps. But when I'm this close to flashing the crazy eyes, certain situations cause the chunder to rise from down under and I cease to handle anything well. These situations or events may include:
- Technological problems (computer, phone, Q-tips)
- Anything that causes a deviation from the very tight schedule of events I'm following IN MY MIND
- The dipshit who is currently hitting something with a hammer somewhere in our building
The concrete building we live in transfers sound in strange ways. The Hammer could be coming from next door or from 5 floors down. Because we don't know where it's coming from, we have no clear direction for our wrath and screaming "HOLY FUCKING SHIT, QUIT POUNDING THE WALL!!" doesn't seem to be working.
I know it can't go on forever. Eventually the Hammer will fall silent and its wielder will move on to other things, like drilling. I don't need to totally lose it over this water-torturesque noise. I just need to just calm down and focus on my HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!! QUIT POUNDING THE -
The hammering! Finally stopped! Oh, sweet nanosecond of silence - how I enjoyed you before the fire alarm started going off.
Dog - earn your keep! Lower my blood pressure with your cuteness!
In other news, I'm still totally KICKING 10th place ass in the Best Individual Blogger category over at the 2007 Weblog Awards! It's the last day to vote for your favourite blogs - and I have to say, I've discovered some great new ones, many of which involve pictures of the Catspiracy. Which is awesome, because more ways to procrastinate is exactly what I need right now.