I've been doing some knitting lately, but it's all mystery knitting, because it's that time of year. The time for mystery knitting. I was choked, because posting pictures of my amateurish knitting always fills me with a sense of accomplishment but we all know that the first rule of mystery knitting is that you can't post photos of it on your blog. But then - in a flash! - I remembered I DID have some unposted knitting pictures nestled in my inbox. And so, I share them with you.
Lidy's Hat
I knit this cotton hat for little Lidy before he was born and then totally didn't mail it (as Sparkles can attest, I'm ass at mail). So when we were in Toronto in August, I brought it with me and we gleefully and sneakily dropped it off on Lidy's mom Lupa's porch, like fat fairies.
Time passed and I heard naught of the hat from Lupa, which was very unlike her. As it turns out, she got the hat but was confused over who had left the gift bag on the porch (our signatures were poor and her neighbour has the same first name as Katr). Once we figured it out, though, she gave ME a gift - these HILARIOUS PICTURES of her adorable son in the hat.
Oh my god, Lidy. That's the look I have on MY face most of the time. A sort of "Wha . . .?" look. Except I don't have the "I'm a baby in a fetching hat getting my picture taken" excuse.
And then this is the look I have after I realize I have a "Wha...?" look on my face and then I think "Homo says what?" and laugh at my own joke. Ah, good times.
Because I can't resist, here's a close up of some mystery knitting. Just a close up. I'M NOT SAYING WHAT IT IS.
And finally, the reason we're all here . . . today's truffles.
Cassis * Silky dark chocolate ganache paired with a thin layer of cassis. (This truffle put the "ass" in "cassis". But in a good way. The way that Gina Torres puts the "happy" in my "pants".)
Vanilla * Dark chocolate ganache scented with Tahitian vanilla (I feel like Thomas Haas has some kind of Tahitian connection. The truffle was, naturally, delicious, but the artwork on it was the real attraction.)