I've been spending more time than usual thinking about hairstyles lately, while I try and figure out how to dress my increasingly mullet-like locks for the big gay wedding. Up? Down? Uh . . . that's it, up or down I guess. Sleek? Bushy? Like a helmet? Twinkling Christmas lights? I could go on. So I've been paying more attention to people's hairstyles lately and I came across one yesterday that caught my eye.
The owner of the hairstyle was wearing a fancy pair of jeans and a kicky cardigan. The cheerful spring in her step didn't really seem to fit in with the regular crowd at the Ivanhoe Pub, where she appeared to be headed. Her long, permed, honey brown hair was up in a strangely elaborate half-ponytail.
I wasn't wearing my glasses, so I edged a little closer to see if I could figure out what styling trick she had employed to achieve her unusual look. I got within a few feet of the back of her head and took a good gander. What had she . . . waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute.
That's when I realized she wasn't sporting a fancy do. She had simply put her hair up with one of these:
I was, in times gone by, quite a devotee of the scrunchy (and so were you - so zip it) but I always wondered who the hell would buy a scrunchy made of obviously plastic hair. And today, that mystery was was solved, as so many mysteries are, by a lady outside the Ivanhoe Pub. Thank you, mysterious stranger. Thank you. I will rest easy tonight.
Today's truffles:
Passion Fruit * Silky dark chocolate ganache paired with a thin layer of passion fruit and Tahitian vanilla. (This truffle was so pretty I almost couldn't eat it. ALMOST. The passion fruit held the Tahitian vanilla hostage. The Tahitian vanilla was breathless . . . and aroused.)
Vanilla Fleur de Sel * Creamy caramel with Tahitian vanilla infused and a touch of Fleur de Sel (sea salt from Brittany) (Mmmmmm. And now that I know what "fleur de sel" is, I'm going to start using it more in every day conversation, like when I order my sandwich at Subway. "Could I get a dash of sub sauce and some fleur de sel on that? Wicked.")