It was a windy day in the city and after hours of trying to get my attention by flapping noisily, the vinyl cover on the grill on our balcony decided to make a break for it.
I looked up to see it heaving itself over the edge of the railing and instantly I sprang into action. I flung open the balcony door and leapt like a fat gazelle out into the wind, catching my foot on the doorjamb. As I tried to steady myself, a big gust of wind slammed the door. On my ankle.
Birds rubbernecked as I screamed the F word. Screaming was soon downgraded to a light whimpering as I limped over to the pile of vinyl, gathered it up and dumped it in the outdoor Rubbermaid bin. Then I came inside and had a little cry.
I suppose I was due a little pain, because so far 2007 has been good to me. First of all, in the last comment thread, Flippy made the brilliant observation that my site was actively discouraging indexing by saying, and I paraphrase the metadata, "Robots, fuck off!" Thanks, Flippy! You are a rock star! I investigated further and discovered that the tag was there because for some reason I neglected to choose the "Publicize this blog" option in Typepad when I switched over from WordPress. Yeah, that's right - for over a year now, you have all been reading MY SECRET BLOG. The secret? That I am a DOOFUS.
In the course of impatiently Googling myself long before Google would have had a chance to index anything, I stumbled upon Cream Puffs in Venice, a beautiful food blog with incredible food porn pictures. Seriously. I had to close the blinds and take a private moment. The whole thing made me want to sprinkle powdered sugar on myself and dab espresso behind my ears. There are recipes too, if you are kitchenally inclined. I believe the Venetian "Cream Puff" (who actually lives in Canada) uses "cream puff" in the literal "A shell of light pastry filled with whipped cream, custard, or ice cream" sense, rather than in my euphemistic "delightful fat people like me" sense. Just to clarify. Anyway, it's lovely and I encourage the foodies among you to check it out.
Secondly, I was aided and abetted in my quest to become a sock knitter this year when my love (and hopeful future sock recipient) signed me up for the Petals Collection at Sundara Yarn as a Solstice gift! (Miss Sundara Yarn herself seems to be between websites at the moment, but her stuff is gorgeous, as you knitters all know - here's her blog). I tore into the package like a hoodlum but later, when the fondling was over, I took photos. They're a little blurry because my hands were shaking with excitement.
This month's petal inspiration, the lenten ROSE (Coincidence? I THINK NOT):
The actual sock yarn (photos never do yarn justice, but this comes pretty close):
The picture of the sock pattern. If I wasn't such a ham-fisted yahoo, I'd give it a go, but I think I'd better practice first. To the yarn store!
Thirdly, it's been brought to my attention that a kind reader has nominated Creampuff Revolution for The Lesbian Lifestyle's Lesbian Blog of the Year award. Thanks, kind reader! I understand that the top five most nominated blogs will then be voted on starting February 2. My pomade-lovin' pal Curly's been nominated, as well as Ms. SassyFemme - so y'all should head over there and nominate YOUR favourite lesbian blog(s). That's where I'm headed - right after I dust this powdered sugar off. On the other hand, Katr might be home soon. And I DID buy whipped cream this afternoon. Hm.