It was Thanksgiving this past weekend in Canada and I'm just emerging now from my pie-induced fugue to comment on it. My list of things to be thankful for last Thanksgiving still stands, with some noticeable additions.
1. The internet. With Katr and I apart this Thanksgiving and my nearby relatives going on adventures to Italy, I wasn't sure where the turkey would be coming from. Turns out it came from Lex, who is an incredible cook, a marvellous hostess and is extremely generous with the most incredible gravy known to woman. What does "I need a private moment with this" gravy have to do with the internet? Well, like many of the other smart, hilarious, wise, insane, sick, sick people I have come to know over the past couple of years online, I met young Lex through blogging. And for that, I am deeply thankful.
As some of you may recall, I also met my lady love as she was cruising by me on the information superhighway and I was all sappy and thrilled a couple of weeks ago when two of my favourite bloggers, Winter (in Wales) and Andygrrl (in Arizona) declared their mutual affection. Sure they fell in love after meeting in person - but would they had MET in person if not for the mighty internet? WOULD THEY?? (Special to HB - those two might benefit from your Long Distance Lesbian Relationship Poetry Pack. I know I am.)
2. Knitting. A lot of people thought I was kidding when I said I wanted to learn to knit so that if I survived when the world exploded, my mad knitting skillz would keep me from being the first one eaten. But I wasn't kidding. And since my life might one day depend on my sticks and string abilities, I should spend as much time as I possibly can knitting, right? Obviously! Shopping for groceries and cleaning toilets is all well and good but it's not going to help you out when the RADIOACTIVE ZOMBIES ARE ON THEIR WAY. Or, you know, the Cylons.
I've got all kinds of secretive winter solstice and birthday gift related mystery knitting on the go right now, but here's the hat I made Mipa for her birthday. Yes, it was supposed to be pointy. And yes, that's Darth Tater. Jealous?
3. Government Funding. I got some earlier this year and this week marks the first of 16 non-consecutive weeks of being a playwright-in-residence. I spent several hours yesterday in the microfiche room at the Metro Toronto Reference Library reading the Daily Globe from 1863. Scintillating stuff. My favourite line so far? An ad for the Fun Almanac. Here it is:
Fun Almanac for 1863
Price 6 cents
No lover of fun should be without it
It was a simpler time.