The phrase "I just threw up a little" has been coming up (ha ha - EWWW) alot here at El Casa Katr & Roro. Our time is being spent in the following ways:
- Trying to find an apartment in Vancouver over the information superhighway that is not, to quote Katr, a "shitbox"
- Trying to get rid of our furniture via Craig's List
- Trying not to be insta-furious when losers from Craig's List SCREW US by standing us up
- Meeting some lovely people who've bought our furniture off Craig's List
- Encouraging gullible friends to take our furniture/books/videos/fish/booze off our hands (this part has been highly successful)
- Packing
- Meeting guys named Bob who'll give us quotes on moving our stuff to an apartment we don't have yet
- Talking to our real estate agent about things like "staging" and "how the other unit currently for sale in our building smells like an ashtray but shows like it's a beautiful page out of Incredibly Boring Gay Man Taupe and Dark Leather Furniture Weekly"
- Crying
It has also occurred to me that there are certain things around the house that only I "know how to do". This includes:
* Cleaning the fish tanks (Jealous?)
* Using our coffee maker (only I know the secret of the mighty Java. ME!!)
* Setting our space age alarm clock (I am the Queen of the Clock Radio and CBC's Andy Barrie is my Court Jester)
* Having access to the storage locker (I alone know the location of the keys)
* Making delicious breakfast smoothies even when there's no yogurt or bananas
Obviously, before I leave on Thursday, Katr will have to be instructed in "how to do these things" and once she knows, I AM DISPOSABLE. I can only hope that my goofy charm and mad dance skillz will continue to keep her in thrall. Just in case, though, I'm taking the storage locker keys on tour.