Oh, people. I love getting fun things in the mail almost as much as my girlfriend and this week was exceptionally good.
As I waited all this week for my Candy Swap candy to arrive (Maybe today! Maybe today!), I got two OTHER amazing things in the mail.
Toggles from The Feminist Mafia
Remember when I couldn't find toggles for my brother's itchy sack? And you all told me to go to Queen Street West? But then The Feminist Mafia, in Boston, offered to send me some toggles? And I totally took her up on it, because she's lovely and a crafting goddess and I love getting things in the mail? Well, The Mafia totally came through. Not ONLY did she send me a traditional toggle and a funky toggle, she ALSO put together this excellent box of craft supplies for the 87% True road trip this summer! Behold!
Jealous? FUCK, I love this kit. The kit itself is sturdy, shuts with a satisfying snap and is a deep cerise, which matches the egg of Silly Putty (Silly Putty, people!!). She thoughtfully included Q-tips, because we all know the 'Tips are still the sweet, sweet cotton monkeys on my back. The toggles are beautiful and it will pain me to part with them. The notebook says "Harvard Square" on it, which I know will make EVERYTHING I write in there effing BRILLIANT. The markers are bright AND they have my name on them, so none of the other kids at the Fringe will steal them. HA ha! Foiled, marker thieves!
Thank you, Feminist Mafia!!! You are the best. I'm sure you'll be seeing many photos of the kit in blog posts to come. I promise I won't keep hash or 'shrooms in the kit.
Money From the Government
Usually, when you apply for grants, they tell you that you'll know in 16 weeks. So when I got a letter from the Ontario Arts Council this week, a mere 12 weeks after I last applied, I thought it must be some kind of newsletter and I almost didn't open it. So you can imagine my surprise when I DID open it and there was a big fat cheque in there! And a letter telling me that I get to be the playwright-in-residence at Buddies In Bad Times Theatre next year!
I know, I know - USUALLY a big cheque = hookers! Blow! Yarn! But Katr reminded me that this cheque represents my livin' money for about four months this fall, so I should probably put it where I can't get to it, i.e. not with the 'shrooms and the hash in the travelling craft kit.
I spent quite awhile gazing at the cheque and thinking about all the hookers, blow and yarn I coulda bought. But then I thought about how "playwright-in-residence" doesn't mean that you actually LIVE in the theatre, even though Buddies has a kitchenette and many fine subterranean tunnels, and that I might want to eat and possibly pay rent/mortgage/phone, etc. And so I very responsibly put it in the bank and then went back to fondling the craft kit.
So anyway - thanks, Ontario Arts Council! You too are the best! I'm sure I'll be mentioning your fine, fine support in blog posts to come. I promise I won't do hash or 'shrooms at the theatre. Or, if I do, I won't mention it in the final reporting letter.