So Lex tells me that Andrea at a peek inside the fishbowl is hosting a candy swap. A swap . . . of CANDY, people. If you are interested in participating (and I know you are), head on over there and get IN on it. CANDY! In the meantime, here is my Candy Swap Questionnaire.
Candy Swap 2006 Questionnaire
1) When I was a kid, Halloween was all about:
a) collecting as much candy as I could
b) collecting candy to eat as I go
c) sharing with my siblings
d) Who cares about candy? I was too busy egging my teacher's car.
e) Halloween was forbidden in my house and I've never gotten over it. Bring it on!
f) Binge eating and subterfuge.
2) What is more important to you: quality, or quantity?
In reality, quantity. In the interests of cheaper Candy Swap shipping, however, I'll have to go with quality.
3) If you were on a desert island (haha, I wrote "dessert island" but that would be a totally different question now wouldn't it?) and could only have one sweet treat, which would it be?
ONE? I'm tempted to say ice cream or pie or ice cream pie, but those things might not keep on a desert island and I'm taking the survival aspect of this question WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too seriously. I guess I'd have to say red and black licorice. Then I could eat it AND use it to lash sticks together for my raft.
4) You arrive at "Dessert Island" – where you discover a river of pudding flowing freely through a swamp of Cool Whip. No one is watching. What do you do?
I think we all know my feelings on pudding.
5) Sweet, sour, or savoury?
I could do without the sour, but I like a little sweet and savoury together, truth be told. The chocolate covered pretzel . . . the "Chicago style" cheese n' caramel corn from Kernels . . . a pile of salt and a pile of sugar . . . I'm not picky.
6) Sex or chocolate?
Sex AND chocolate. And pudding and donuts.
7) What kind of candy, if any, would you turn down if someone offered?
Anything with marshmallows or carob. GAH. Also, I will eat dark chocolate, but only under duress. For instance, when I've already consumed all of the milk chocolate.
8) You're at the grocery store, your children/husband/pets have been The.Worst.Ever. They're throwing cans at each other, tripping little old ladies, taking bites out of the produce and putting them back in the bins, and piercing the milk bags with diaper pins. and you're a fat lesbian in a frumbly mood. You feel yourself getting woozy. That vein in your forehead is throbbing. You need an immediate sugar kick before you do something crazy. What do you reach for?
If I'm in the bakery section, danish. If I'm in the candy section, Skor. If I'm in the ice cream section, Chunky Monkey. If I'm in the checkout line, the neck of the mouth-breathing cashier.
9) What are your feelings regarding Thrills gum, ribbon candy, scotch mints, and other "grandma candies"?
I feel good about them. They're part of our history as a people and I embrace that.
10) How adventurous are you? Do spicy dried mealworms or candy-coated crickets give you the willies, or are you willing to try anything once?
I respect the adventurous candy eater. But for me, if I know that at some point this candy moved under its own power, no candy coating will make it okay.
11) Do you have dentures or other dental issues? Do you have a good dental plan?
Dental issues? Nothing that would impede candy enjoyment. I'm going to the dentist next week, so I'll have to keep you all posted.