We got back from our Easter trip to Pennsylvania last night. So much to tell! Inflatable lawn rabbits! Country club assholes! Chocolate - oooh, the chocolate. Horseradish cheese! Marauding bears! Copious bug-on-windshield suicide! Shopping spree at Bath & Body Works! But we arrived home and found that our essential personal toiletry and food stores are sadly depleted, crazy deadlines are approaching and where - WHERE the fuck is all our ginch???
So I am spending this day trying to meet deadlines, shopping for bumwad and rounding up, washing and folding the long-forsaken laundry. BUT I somehow did manage to find just a little time to take pictures. Of my knitting. And of this cool, knitting-related gift. That's right - MORE KNITTING. Brace yourselves, it'll be over soon.
Sahi made me a needle carrier for my birthday!! Gaze upon it enviously! She made it out of a sheet and it has shamrocks on it, to remind me of my Irish heritage. It has spaces for the longer needles (above) AND spaces for little double points (below). I filled it with all the needles I own (clearly, I must go shopping) and have thus confirmed that somewhere between leaving my house and arriving at last week's Stitch n' Bitch (more on that glorious gathering later), I lost the pair of 5mm I had borrowed from Sahi. It's like Bridget Jones losing the tuna. Where ARE they??
Katr was so taken with the hat I made for Jeba that she wanted one for herself. I had bought this fun yarn for Katr to learn to knit with, but it comes apart easily and sticks to itself, so is very shitty for beginners. I have been coveting it since she pronounced it unfit for her first project and leapt at the chance to turn it into a hat. This hat is being modelled by a pumpkin we got in the organic food box some time ago. This is the pumpkin's first modelling gig.
I was a little worried that the "rainbow"- like colours might make the pumpkin, and subsequently Katr, look a little - you know - GAY. We ARE gay, as it turns out, but no one wants to walk around like they're looking for the Pride Parade all winter. Fortunately, the pattern steers clear of gayness and passes right into "jaunty". Also, the top is a little "pointy", but I have reminded Katr that a point head is a sign of intelligence. Back me up on this, guys. Guys?
Okay, enough with the knitting. The dryer just finished, the phone keeps ringing and no one at Shoppers Drug Mart wants to see me without pants on.